Man, HIV positive rapes 14-year-old

A HIV-positive man from Gwarjo village in Matazu Local Government Area of Katsina State, Audu Ado, has been remanded in prison custody for allegedly raping a 14-year old girl while fully aware of his status as HIV carrier.

The presiding magistrate of the Katsina Senior Magistrates’ Court, Hajiya Fadile Dikko, ordered that the suspect be remanded in prison until August 24, 2019, when his case will come up for mention.
Father of the victim, Ibrahim DanMalam, had received information about the unholy liaison between Ado and his daughter, which made him to report the matter at the Matazu Divisional Police Headquarters.
DanMalam told the police that the suspect took advantage of the girl’s naivety and lured her into a nearby bush where he raped her.
The police prosecutor, Sergeant Lawal Bello, told the court that the offence contravened provisions of Section 283 of the Penal Code Law.